When it’s time to sell, you’ll often have years of advice at your disposal handed down from friends, family, maybe even a previous agent from a decade or more ago. Often what we think of as a selling “fact” is actually a myth. It sounds right. Someone definitely told us that how it was in their experience, but the reality can be a little, or lot, different. Click below to hear five(5) common myths associated with selling your home AND what the reality is today.

Click to hear what are 5 myths and the 5 facts that you should know.


1. If the first offer was good, that means my home is worth much more

2. You want to get pre-approved AFTER finding your new home

3. Houses sell themselves. Just put a for sale sign up and it's sold.

4. Overpricing will give more room for negotiations for a better price

5. all real estate agents are the same and will get the same exact results


1.No! If your first offer is good, that means it was priced right

2. no! Getting pre-approved BEFORE you start interviewing agents helps to ensure that everything goes smoothly once your new home is under contract

3. No! Realtors know the strategies to get the most for your home and price it right

4. No! Overpricing can keep your home on the market longer and will most likely get sold less than it's worth

5. No! Interview real estate agents so that you know their marketing plan, how they're going to price your property, and what services they offer. We here at Totally About Houses offer free staging, free cleaning, and the best pictures for showing your home.