Chetwood Trace - Jefferson County Homes For Sale

Spring is generally when most people choose to go, but if you're in a hurry then there could be an option. Experts say that during cold weather buyers are more likely than not looking for houses with lower utility bills and motivated sellers- which means your home might be the perfect upgrade no matter the season. The following reasons make it worth considering selling now:

  1. Not as many homes are available. People are STILL buying. As the weather warms up, more people are buying homes. This means that competition for your dream property can be intense! But if you're smart about when to sell in springtime - there may not even be anyone else around during those high-demand weeks between March and April or September through October because everyone wants their house done before summer comes along with all its shiny new lawn furniture out front (I mean...traffic).

  2. Prospective buyers can see the value in your home’s readiness.  Maybe you’ve planted trees to block the wind.  What if you’ve added or upgraded the heating system.  Clean windows can make a difference in the summer, but in the winter, a well-insulated window shines better than any other time of year.  Locally we worry as much about heating in the winter as we do cooling in the summer.  Winter is a great time to showcase your homes warmest features.

  3. New parents may be looking to upgrade their homes after the baby boom in September. According data from Centers for Health Statistics and Social Security Administration, there are more birthdays during that month than any other time of year. This could lead some growing families who want a larger house with room enough for both kids AND pets!

  4. Winter brings out the serious buyers. For most people, looking at houses is all in good fun, but it's also an opportunity for homebuyers to get their dream house without having to compete with as many bidders. Properties available come spring/fall time may have more lookers, but not more buyers.

  5. The end of the year is approaching, and this could mean that buyers are more likely to have the means to buy. Buyers may be incentivized by bonuses or payouts at year-end during their performance reviews from employers or to offset taxes which would increase demand for homes in general.

  6. The relocation industry is a booming business. Winter doesn’t mean that businesses aren’t looking to move and relocate employees. The good news is that these buyers need a home and are on an absolute timeline to move.  There is no “buy in the Spring” or “Wait until fall” for these buyers.  With our major corporations in the area to include YUM, UPS, Humana, and many others, there are always people looking to relocate. 

31 Louise Court in Goebel Crossings Spencer County Real Estate - Sold by Totally About Houses